Nex-G Innovations

ArcGIS Web Data Sharing

Geographic information systems (GIS) play a constantly evolving role in geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) and United States national security. These technologies allow a user to efficiently manage, analyze, and produce geospatial data, to combine GEOINT with other forms of intelligence collection, and to perform highly developed analysis and visual production of geospatial data. Therefore, GIS produces up-to-date and more reliable GEOINT to reduce uncertainty for a decisionmaker. Since GIS programs are Web-enabled, a user can constantly work with a decision maker to solve their GEOINT and national security related problems from anywhere in the world. There are many types of GIS software used in GEOINT and national security, such as Google Earth, ERDAS IMAGINE, GeoNetwork opensource, and Esri ArcGIS..

Code: NES_SK_7734

Duration: 40 Hrs / 4 Weeks / Customized

Mode: Online / Offline / Onsite


Module 1 Sharing GIS resources: an overview

  • Publishing workflow
  • Sharing options
  • ArcGIS Online overview
  • Creating and sharing a web map on ArcGIS Online

Module 2 Authoring operational content

  • What is operational content?
  • Understanding ArcGIS services and publishing options
  • Authoring and sharing content using ArcGIS for Desktop

Module 3 Enabling editing on the web

  • Types of editing applications
  • Publishing a feature service
  • Creating web editing applications using templates and viewers

Module 4 Authoring basemap content

  • What makes suitable basemap content?
  • Understanding caching and tiling schemes
  • Sharing options for basemap content

Module 5 Sharing imagery

  • Comparing map services and image services
  • Author a mosaic dataset and share as an image service to ArcGIS for Server
  • Register an image service to ArcGIS Online
  • Share a cached image service

Module 6 Sharing analysis workflows

  • Modeling an analysis workflow using a geoprocessing service
  • Use ModelBuilder to create a geoprocessing model
  • Share model results as a geoprocessing service
  • Use a geoprocessing service in a web application

Module 7 Project: Create a web application to share GIS content

  • Author services in ArcMap
  • Share services to ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS for Server
  • Configure a web application to share your content

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