Module 1 - Getting Started with
Module 2 - Installing and
running GeoServer
- GeoServer Release Schedule
- Installing GeoServer
- GeoServer Extensions
- Installing GeoServer Extensions
- Installing the native JAI and ImageIO
- Installing ImageIo-Ext
- Installing LibJPEG-Turbo
- Web Administrator Interface
Module 3 - Introduction to OGC
(Open Geospatial Consortium)
Module 4 - Adding Data to
- GeoServer Data Directory
- Adding base types
Module 5 - Pretty maps with
- ntroduction to the WMS protocol
- Styling with SLD and CSS
- Creating a Base Map
- Filtering Maps
- Producing and Using palettes
- Decorating a Map
- Accessing Map information
- Cross layer filtering
Module 6 - Advanced Raster Data
- Introduction To Processing With GDAL Utilities
- Advanced Mosaics and Pyramids Configuration
- Using ImageMosaic with Footprint
- Advanced Processing With GDAL Utilities
Module 7 - Web Processing
Service and Rendering Transformations
- Introduction to the WPS Protocol and Operations
- GeoServer WPS Implementation and Demo Builder
- Vector Processes
- Raster and Conversion Processes
- Process Chaining
- Rendering Transformations
Module 8 - Google Earth and
Maps support
- Viewing a GeoServer Layer in Google Earth
- Using the KML Reflector
- Customizing KML Placemark with Templates
- Generating a KML Time Series
- Generating a KML Elevation
- GeoServer automatic refresh vs download mode
- KML Regionation
Module 9 - Caching maps with
- Caching with GeoWebCache
- Using GeoWebCache with OpenLayers, Google Maps and Virtual Earth
- GeoWebcache Optimal Deployment Guidelines
- Clustering GeoWebCache - Internal VS Standalone
- Configuring Clustering in GeoWebCache
- Disk Quota Configuration
Module 10 - Delivering Vector
- The WFS protocol basics
- Filtering and extracting
- Other useful formats: GeoJSON, KML, CSV, zipped shapefile
- Modifying Feature Types
Module 11 - Delivering Raster
- The WCS protocol basics
- Extracting and subsetting
Module 12 – Working with
- Creating a simple OpenLayers Map
- Analyzing Your Map
- Overlaying Vector Data
Module 13 – GeoServer Security
- Users and Roles
- User/group services
- XML User/group services
- JDBC User/group services
- Roles services
- Authentication
- Authentication Filters
- Authentication Providers
- Basic Authentication Provider
- JDBC Authentication Provider
- LDAP Authentication Provider
- LDAP Role Service Provider
- Service Level Security
- Layer Level Security
- Security overview
- Passwords
- Avoid the Warnings
- Encryption for default user/group
- The Master Password
- The admin Password
- Installing the StrongPBE
- Key authentication module
- Limitations
- Key providers
- Key provider using user properties
- Key provider using a property file
- Key provider using an external web service
- Configuration
- Provider pluggability
Module 14 – GeoServer REST
- Introduction to REST concepts
- Using REST module
- GeoServer-Manager REST examples
- JavaScript REST examples
- Python REST examples with gsconfig
Module 15 – INSPIRE Support
- The INSPIRE directive and GeoServer
- Status of INSPIRE support in GeoServer
- The INSPIRE GeoServer Extension
Module 16 – Complex Features
with GeoServer and HALE
Module 17 – SpatioTemporal Data
Handling With GeoServer
- Introducing Multidimensional data
- Preparing GeoServer for serving Multidimensional data
- Vector Data dimensions
- Using the ImageMosaic plugin for serving Multidimensional data
- Serving NetCDF-family Files
- Multidimensional ImageMosaics in GeoServer
- Serving multidimensional data with GeoServer
- Manage ImageMosaic content through REST API
- Current limitations and assumptions
Module 18 – Advanced GeoServer
- Configuring GeoServer for robustness
- Advanced Production GeoServer configuration
- Advanced Coordinate Reference System Handling
- Advanced Database Connection Pooling Configuration
- Installing and Configuring the Monitoring Extension
- Configuring the Control flow Extension
Module 19 – clustering
Module 20 – Enterprise Set-up
- Benchmarking primer
- Stress testing with JMeter
- Raster Data Optimization
- Vector Data Optimization
- Style Optimizations
- Tile Caching with GeoWebCache
- Tuning Resource Limits
- Tuning Control Flow Settings
- JVM and deploy configuration